
  • 1997 Volume 17 Issue 4
    Published: 30 July 1997

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  • Yang Ying
    1997, 17(4): 314-318.
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    The Changjiang Delta and the Zhujiang Delta can not be defined simly as two independent "export-oriented economy" areas if the factors such as their basic economic strength and development conditions,as well as the economic development framework of China are consideted.Thetwo deltas should,reSPectively,establish integrated,complementary and coordinative economic Systems with destinctive features.Historically in the two deftas the first place was given to development of light industry.After tens of years light and heavy industries hsve developed simultaneouSly since the adjustment of the pondes of economic distribution in China.Despits their remarkable differences in the mechanism of regional coordination,the two deltas should cooperateat multiple levels.

  • Wu Yuwen, Liu Yi
    1997, 17(4): 319-326.
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    Since the reform and opening to the outside world,economy of Guangdong has been growing at high speed.But meanwhile,the economic growth has presented an obvious character of fluctation,and economic benefit is tending to descend.These reveal that the economic growth ofGuangdong has deep contradiction in structure.On the basis of economic statistical bata of uangdong,with the methods of factor analysisand multiple-regression,the driving factors of economic growth of Guangdong Province duringlast ten yeare analysed,and four primary factors are derived: investment of essential factorsof production,investment demand and consumption demand,export demand,and level of economic benefit.Two features of economic growth are revealed:I)Economic growth mostly relieson extensional reproduction;2)The groW'th highly depends on the conditions abroad.This kindof economic growth mode has brought several potential problems:1)enterprises are mostly smallin size 12 industrial structUre is almost duplicate;3)economy is over-concentrated and regionaleconomic gap is enlarged.According to the above problems,some countermeasures are Putforword: 1)guide foriegn capital investment target;2)adjust and optimize industrial structure;3)combine enterprises into groups and develop scale economy.

  • Li Bin
    1997, 17(4): 327-333.
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    With its superior geographical location,Zhaoqing Municipality is situated at the west edge ofthe Zhujiang Delta.It is rich in ital resources that have advantageS in comprehensive development and utilization under the guidance of market economy,especially in development of integrat ed commercial agriculture.In the light of local conditions and the bete features of market econmy,the development and utilization of land resources should follow the principles of macro-economic control,improvement of comprehensive benefit,intensive management and suitable measures to local conditions.Agricultural land should be taken as the foundation and forestry land asthe main they,while non-agricultural Iand be rationally arranged so as to set up a reasonableland- use structure for sustainable development of the society and economy.The author suggestSthat commercial agricultural bases on a scale should be built,commercial and ecological forestriesbe developed,Priority be given to the arrangement of land for infrastructure facilities,cities andtowns be distributed rationally,and the land for industrial use be increased appropriately.

  • Li Ling
    1997, 17(4): 334-340.
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    The administration syStem of Guangdong has ben changed for three times since 1980's toadapt to the situation of "reform and opening" to the outside world.The changes are also on basisof the raise of urban construction level and the increase of Population because of the economic development.The guiding idea for administration system changes are to transfer more administrative power to local governments so as to mobilize their enthusiasm for economic development,andto set up core cities to bring along the development of the Peripheral regions.There are some problems in the process of administration system changes,for example,thestandards for setting new city and town administration are not controlled strictly,some cities haveplanned too large urban areas and some have worked out unrealistic overall urban planning.Those problems result in the inflated statistics of urban Population and affect adversely the rational use of the regional land resources.The transfer of the administration of county into that of city would be continued.In next ponod some some towns may be also changed into city administration.The author considers that theurban area of a city must be reasonably determined.In developed areas the hierarchy of administration should be simplified.

  • Chen Ting-gen
    1997, 17(4): 341-346.
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    Planning,constrUction and management of the future modern city are studied with Guangzhou City as an example.It is considered that the construction of a future modern cityshould be suited to the restonal economic-social development,the city's single function should bechanged into multiple fUnctions so that the future modern city can play an important leading rolein the regional development.The modern city shouldn't be sprawled without plan in its size and Structure.The development of the city should meet the demands of the city's economic technicallevel and its reasonable combination of economic element svarious kinds of transportation installations should be planned and constructed in advance.Exploitation of new areas and transformation of old districtS should follow an overall unified plan so as to create fine living environment for citizens.The management of the future modern city should be strengthened.

  • Wang Mao-chun
    1997, 17(4): 347-353.
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    An urban land price is a reflection of the land's synthetical location.Although urban lands'prices show not continuous,they remain to be considered continuous because the areas of massifsare much less than that of an urban district-they just form the surface of urban land price.A gentle section on the surface (its gradient angle a≤ 15°)is Called land price terrace.A steep sectionon the surface (its gradient angle a≥30° is called land price price terrace can be divided into two types: concave and convex.They would becomelarger or smaller as time goes on.And land price steep would always be translated towards lowerland price area.Consequently,the middle and the lower perts of a land price sleep normally increase more quickly.Although increasing in land price is mainly driven by land profits and urbanplanning,it finally reflects the situation of the funds put into urban constructions and the time ofresponse to the situation in land price.The edges of central urban district and the jointS between urban and suburban ares are considered as those where their lands' prices increase the most rapidlyin the city.The land price of other sections of the city could be judged according to local concreteconditions.

  • Zhang Wei-qiang, He Zheng-chong, Zhou Chun-yang
    1997, 17(4): 354-358.
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    In this Paper,the basic conceps and the fUnctions of Geographic information System (GIS)are introduced,and the PC ARC/INFO is used to planning of "three-high" agriculture(highyield I high-quality and high-return agriculture).The result of the case study in Jincheng,Zhongshan City,indicates that the appliCation of GIS to planning and administration of "threehigh" agriculture has a bright future.

  • Deng Chun-lang, Zhao Jun-lin, Yan Hong-bang, Zhang Shi-gang, Tong Yu
    1997, 17(4): 359-363.
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    Hainan Lsland is the largest special economic zone in China.ItS coastal zone is the forwardposition of economic development,but it is facing a lot of problems including environmental pollution,resource depletion,ecological degradation,and so on.Therefore,the establishment of coastal Resource and Environment Management Information System (CREMIS) is an urgentneed for controlling,managing,and planning of coastal resources and environment.The CREMIS adopts server/client mode,and takes the well-known GIS software-ARC/INFO as its main platform with integrstion of other GIS softwares.It has.complet6 functions withspatial data acquisition,spatial analysis,and map designation.It also has functions for data conversion,network transfer,and aided decision-making etc..The CREMIS consists of two subsystems: natUral environment and socio-economic databases,and environment mangement and decision-making support models.It poys more attention to coastal characteristics,espeCially to the indicators for coalal environment management,and aPPlication goals toward suStainable development.Our experiences showed that using GIS software integration to build the CREMIS forHainan Island was highly effective,PowerfUl and fast.

  • Xu Xiao-ying, Jian Yu-geng
    1997, 17(4): 364-370.
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    The PCA of the Feb.- Mar.mean temperature from 1991 to 1991 at 47 stations in Guangdong and the investigation of cold and rainy weather in spring are made in this Paper.It is indicated that:1)The spatial and temPOral distribution of Feb.-Mar.temperature is extremely concentrated,with the first principal component accounting for 95.1 percent of the total variance;2)The distribution Patterns of temperature can be differentiated by using the first four principal comPonents with corresponding eigenvectors;3)The Feb.-Mar.temperature distribution patternscan be classified into two types,which are (a) cold or warm in the whole province,and (b) warm south-cold north or cold south-warm north in the Province;4)The maximum and minimum values of pricipal component indicate that 1957,1968 and 1969 are lower temperatureyou,while 1973 and 1987 are higher temperatUre years.They respectively correspond to heavyor slight cold damages on crops in Guangdong.

  • Cai Xue-zhan, Zhang Rong-yan
    1997, 17(4): 371-377.
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    The flood index series and drought index series are used to discuss the Periodic characters offlood/drought climate during 1470~1993 in the southeastern coast area in China.In drought series there exist significant Periodic components of 10,177,1 30,80,48 years in northern Partand of 10 ,80,1 12,41,12,30 years in southern pet of the area,while in find series thereexist significant Periods of 61,81,197,19 years in the north and of 37,23,124,14,80,10years in the south.From correlation analysis it is shown that long-term flood/drought variation isclosely associated with the 1 1-year and 22-year oscilation of solar activities,and with 19-year period of sun-moon-earth relative motion.The strong/weak century period of solar activity,tosome degree,also makes impact on long-term flood/drought variation.On this basis,the authorsgive an outlook on the trend of the long-term find/drought variation in the area.

  • Luo Gao-yuan, Xiao Jian-cheng
    1997, 17(4): 378-384.
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    Human activities make impact on climate through three ways: change of the property of theearth's surface,heat release,and change of the composition of the atmosphere,which is particuularly the case with the release of greenhouse gases.By making reference to the study achievesments of scientists at home and abroad,the sources and gatherings of some major greenhouse gasesand their concentration change are summarized and analysed in this Paper.Their potentialities toiucrease ten1perature,the intensity of greenhouse effect and it.influences on each respect of human society are stUdied.It is proposed that in order to protect the living environment ofmankind,the release quantity of greenhouse gases must be controlled.

  • Chen Li-ren, Zhou Ning
    1997, 17(4): 385-390.
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    Based on the statistical data,the seasonality and periodicity of the flood-waterlogging disasters with relations to droughts and increase of population in Ningbo are discussed.The temporaland spatial evolution laws of the disasters are analysed.It is concluded that the flood-waterloggingdisasters in Ningbo have occurred in two low frequency Periods and three high frequency periodsin histor.The fact that regional flood-waterlogging disasters become more and more seriouslymainly resultS from man-made destruction of vegetation and environment due to the increasingpopulation.The flood-waterlogging index is used to grade the disasters and a map of gradingflood-waterlogging disasers in Ningbo is made.

  • Qiu Rong-liang, Wu Qing, LÜ Yue-na, Song Wei-jun
    1997, 17(4): 391-396.
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    The soil sensitive indices used usually in Europe and in America such as CEC,BS et al.arenot quite suitable for China because of the differences of the components of acid despition andsoil types.On the basis of comWison and analySis of main sensitive indices of soils to acidic deposition,two indices,i.e.soil to-acid-Poisoning capacity (STAPC) and soil to-acid-peisoning intensity (STAPI),which can better represent the soil H+ buffering processes and characteristics,are put forward in this Paper.The results show that soils in South China can be classified intofour sensitive groups: the most sensitive,sensitve,less sensitive and not sensitive with the STAPC being 0-20 mmol/kg,20-100 mmol/kg,100-200 mmol/kg,200 mmol/kg and the STAPI being 0-10mmol/kg,10-30 mmol/kg,30-50 mmol/kg and 50 mmol/kg respectively.Further,the main soil types in acid precipitation restons in South China are classified into different sensitive groups according to the results of acid buffering properties and the indices suggested.Ferrallisols,which are widely distributed in South China,are included in sensitive group,while purple soils and yellow soils in most sensitive group.Calcareous soils and vertisols with ahigh PH value and a large amount of CaCO3 or salts,scattered in Yunnan,Guangxi,Guizhouand Guangdong,are usually in less sensitive and not sensitive groups.

  • Qian Le-xiang, Tao Li-xin
    1997, 17(4): 397-404.
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    Under the guidence of the idea of landscape and the method of GIS,the author develops thespatial information database to be used to analyse patches,irregularity and general feature of landscape of forest vegetation in Fujian.It is shown that the complexity of topography and disruptionsof mankind are primary physical parameters of controlling ecosystem functions of landscape(suchas motions of water and soil,rainfall and temperature),diversity of living things and efficiencyof soil water.The synthetical characters of landscape calculated reflect briefly the influences ofthose two physical paraneters.StructUre and shape of artificial vegetation (especially forpaddy) suit fundamentally to toPography.Both southern subtropical rainforest and middle subtropical evergreen broad-leaf forest exist at lower fractal dimension and simple geometrical Patterns.Their shapes are obviously different from these of toPography condition and structures ofothers landscape tares which are more complex.It indicates that human activities have produceddeep influences on the structure of the two zonality landscapes.The author shows spatial distribution of forest vegetation by GIS,surveys spatial strUctureof forest vegetation by quantitative models.From those it can be explained how the forest vegetation in Fujian is restricted by physical,biological,social and economic factors.

  • Li Xian-kun, Huang Yu-qing, Su Zong-ming, Feng Lin, Ye Jing-chun, Tan De-shen, Li Shu-zheng, Luo Zhi-peng
    1997, 17(4): 406-411.
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    Slope disintegration is an imPOrtant form of soil erosion in tropical and subtropical red earthregions of China.With the ecological and economic principles and methods,experiments of ecological restoration and soil erosion control on the slope disintegration land have been made.Combined with endineering measures,mixed vegetation including arbor,shrub,grass and vine hasbeen developed on the eroded,degraded land in the ganite area of Cangwu County,Guangxi.Itis shown that the ecoenvironment has been much improved and eec-economic benefits have beengained after 4 years' practices.The vegetation cover degree increased from 10% to 60%-80%,and the output of green manures and forage grasses was 4.90 t/hm2.a (converted into dry weight1.85t/hm2.a) The amounts of runoff and soil erosion respectively decreased by 70% and 90%.In the soil of the shrub and grass land total N,P and K enhanced by 7%-1.23%,available N,P,K by 12%-900%,organic matter by 31%-64% and CEC by 9%-30%.Based on theexperimentS,the way and model of ecological restoration for eroded granite region are discussed.

  • Jia'en, Xu Qi
    1997, 17(4): 412-418.
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    The Three-Gorge reservoir area is a mountainous region with diverse habitats and richspecies,where totally 301 4 species of higher plant,369 spotes of vertebrate,about 350 speciesof aquatic life have been which there are considerable rare and endangered species including about 47 speCies of higher plant,32 species of vertebrate,19 species of bird,16 speciesof fish.Since the long-term overuse and intense exploitation of natural resources,as well as theconstruction of the Three-Gorge Project,the human-land relationship is getting even worSe,thehabitats are degrading and the biodiversity is changing and decreasing.The change trends are:(1)The land area and natural ecosystenis will decrease,while the water area and man-made e-cosystems will increase;(2)Biotic communities are becoming poor in spotes,forest communitiesare deClining,and secondary and artificial woods,shrubs,grass and crops are iner~ing.In order to protect the biodiversity and maintain the ecological balance,the authors suggeSt to restorevegetation,establish natural reserves,rationally settle migrants,keep suitable urban developmentlevel,and develop ecological tourism.

  • Chen Guo-sheng, Yang Xiao-xia
    1997, 17(4): 419-426.
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    The silk-way culture plays an important role in the cultural system in Southwest China.Since the opening of the South-Asia Continental Bridge,the possibility to restore Prosperity oftourism lies on the establishment of the regional tourism system,which is bud on the characteristics of the bridge itself.In this peper the history of the three ancient silk-ways in Southwest Chinaand the main landscapes along the ways are analysed,the necessity and possibility of exploitingthe silk-way tourism resources are discussed,and some suggestions about the strategies for establishing a regional silk-way tourism system are put forward.