ZHU Mengjue,ZHOU Chunshan
2013, 33(3):
Based on the development of research on new urban district, foreign new urban district research can fall into three stages: 1) from 1890s to 1950s, the research was oriented at functional persuasion and social demand, and the research field included functional morphology of new urban district and development practice of satellite town etc.; 2) from 1950s to 1990s, the research was oriented at functional balance and economic demand, and the research field included development practice of new town and new industrial district etc. ; 3) since 1990s, the research has been oriented at policy guidance and ecological requirement, and the research field includes ecological new town, suburbanization and edge city, planning and design of new urban district and industrial and social problems of new district etc. By contrast, Chinese new urban district research also falls into three stages: reference research on foreign theories from 1978 to early 1990s, research on development zone from 1990s to early 2000s and research on comprehensive new urban district since 2000s. Relevant research fields include industrial development, land utilization, space structure, transportation development, management system, life cycle and transition and individual cases of new urban district development etc. Domestic and foreign researches have significant differences in research background and purpose, content and method. This paper also looks into the future main research direction of new urban district in China: 1) the function of new urban district development for urban space growth; 2) evolution and life cycle of new urban district; 3) new urban district development mode based on the concept of saving; 4) application of research methods of new urban district development.