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    GAO Qingyan,PAN Yujun,ZHU Haiyan,DU Ying,GUO Yingze,DU Qing,HAN Xingfen,XIAO Xiang
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(5): 628-635.
    The word Paradigm, which was raised by Kuhn in the 1970s based on the philosophy of science,is accepted gradually by academic cicles. According to Kuhn’s ideas and study programs the scholars of different disciplines have developed different paradigms for their own disciplines. Those paradigms were independent but also relative. Geography has it’s own paradigm specially. The modern geography in China is affected by the ideas and methods of that in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to understand systematically the history of the paradigm of Chinese geography in the 20th century. In this article, the history and logic are unified to research the meaning and significance of paradigm of Geography and their cognition in China. The results are as follows: the modern geography of China has experienced the changes from inherited regional paradigm to spatial paradigm. The “sensible paradigm” and “potential paradigm” have always coexisted through the development of modern geography of China since the early 20th century. The paradigm used in modern human geography of China is mostly the sensible paradigm while that in physical geography mostly the potential one. All the geography paradigms in China follow the rule of the geographical space thought. In future the paradigms would develop toward the models of quantification, technicalization of GIS, sociality and culture, and their patterns, procedures, mechanism and simulation toward the fourth scientific paradigm.
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    LIU Yunxia,YIN Shoubing
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(3): 356-362.
    94 papers concerning foreign aviation tourism industry research since 1982 have been obtained from Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Travel Research, Elsevier Science, EBSCOHost and SAGE. A review of the literature is made in this article. It is shown that the research in last 30 years involved four aspects: aviation policy change and its impact on tourism economy, influence of business model innovation on aviation tourism industry, influence of aviation tourism industry on environment and its control, and marketing of aviation tourism industry and its evaluation. The research can be divided into three phases: initial stage, development stage, and deepening stage. The research methods and contents in different stages are quite different. In future, more attention should be paid to the mutual affection between air traffic and trip mode select, evaluation of the impacts of aviation tourism industry on destinations, and evolution of the structure of aviation tourism industry, etc.
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    ZHU Mengjue,ZHOU Chunshan
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(3): 363-372.
    Based on the development of research on new urban district, foreign new urban district research can fall into three stages: 1) from 1890s to 1950s, the research was oriented at functional persuasion and social demand, and the research field included functional morphology of new urban district and development practice of satellite town etc.; 2) from 1950s to 1990s, the research was oriented at functional balance and economic demand, and the research field included development practice of new town and new industrial district etc. ; 3) since 1990s, the research has been oriented at policy guidance and ecological requirement, and the research field includes ecological new town, suburbanization and edge city, planning and design of new urban district and industrial and social problems of new district etc. By contrast, Chinese new urban district research also falls into three stages: reference research on foreign theories from 1978 to early 1990s, research on development zone from 1990s to early 2000s and research on comprehensive new urban district since 2000s. Relevant research fields include industrial development, land utilization, space structure, transportation development, management system, life cycle and transition and individual cases of new urban district development etc. Domestic and foreign researches have significant differences in research background and purpose, content and method. This paper also looks into the future main research direction of new urban district in China: 1) the function of new urban district development for urban space growth; 2) evolution and life cycle of new urban district; 3) new urban district development mode based on the concept of saving; 4) application of research methods of new urban district development.
  • Review
    LUO Fen
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(1): 96-103.
    With the change of tourism industry from planning and development stage to operation and management stage,governance,an important concept in politics and public policy,has been applied increasingly in tourism research and become an important issue in tourism academic circles. The paper discusses the evolution of tourism governance research abroad,reviews the theories, main models, construction of evaluation system and performance of tourism governance and topics of tourism governance, (including tourism development and planning,marketing,resource and environment,tourism destination,sustainable tourism,power structure in tourism,global tourism,difficulties in governance,etc), makes a summary on the research process and theories, finally, compares the difference between the researches at home and abroad.
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    TANG Xueqiong,CHEN Lanxue,SUN Lin
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(1): 104-111.
    As the rafting/kayaking/canoeing tourism is developing constantly at home and abroad, it is increasingly attracting extensive attention from academic circles in the world. This paper has sorted out and analyzed the articles related to rafting/kayaking/canoeing tourism at home and abroad,and reviewed the current research advance of rafting/kayaking/canoeing tourism from aspects of research methods,theories and contents. Rafting/kayaking/canoeing tourism researches abroad are conducted multi-disciplinarily and multi-dimensionally,with objects expanding in scope and depth that cover participating motivation and experience, carrying capacity and resource value assessment,safety,river discharge,effects on destinations,etc. The foreign scholars’ researches are mostly based on accurate and scientific data analysis, providing useful theoretical guidance for rafting/kayaking/canoeing tourism developers and managers, while the researches at home still stay at a practical operational level, and the in-depth and systematic theoretical studies are comparatively few. It is expected that this paper would provide references for domestic scholars’ research and rafting/kayaking/canoeing practice work.
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    WU Lei,YANG Honghao
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(1): 112-118.
    The construction of rating system of international hotel and tourism are Symbiotic communion. The system includes construction design, nature of participation, scope and legal ownership. It has extensive rating scope;diversified rating forms; similarity and difference of rating standards;and basically rational arrangement. Since the establishment of the system,the limitation of the rating subject's value orientation has lead to the change of the nature of rating organization from official institution to non-governmental organization,or to the organization cooperated by officials and non-governmental organization;the diversity of the hotel industry situation and the limitation of the rating scope have lead to the change of the the rating form from defining the level to the separation between rating and the evaluation quality;and the mixing with new elements has lead to the gradual change of the rating content from export-oriented type to customer-oriented. Meanwhile,there is a trend to establish a unified international rating system. For renovation and reformation of the rating system in China, the subject structure,operating mechanism,and the evaluation contents of starring and ranking of the tourism hotels should be taken into consideration.
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    XIE Chenji,GAO Quanzhou,TAO Zhen
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2012, 32(04): 331-337.
    Since the industrial revolution atmospheric CO2 concentration has been rising, the topic about temporal and spatial variation of carbon sink and source has been a hotspot. Chemical weathering of mineral rocks especially silicates is an important carbon sink in global biological geochemistry cycle. Factors controlling chemical weathering rate are various but their importance and function mechanism deserve further studying. Human activities have made more and more sulfuric acid to take part in the chemical weathering process, it will accelerate the rate of chemical weathering while its function mechanism is complicated. At present the methods used to discriminate water chemistry and ion origin of rivers can be classified into qualitative and quantitative methods, the former contains Gibbs diagram, ternary diagram and end member diagram while the latter includes mass balance method and isotope tracer method. Nowadays researches about the factors controlling chemical weathering rate pay more attention to the correlation between single factor and chemical weathering rate, the introduction of the mathematical statistical methods will make the researches more rigorous and credible. In the processes of the chemical weathering sulfuric acid is seldom researched, with the increasingly serious acid rain phenomenon, the issues deserve important research value. The carbon sink effect due to carbonate chemical weathering on short timescale is unnegligible, which should be studied further.
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    YE Yuyao, CHEN Weilian, SU Yongxian, WU Qitao
    . 2012, 32(3): 313-320.
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    YANG Long, LIU Nan, WANG Jun
    . 2012, 32(3): 321-330.
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    CHEN Kunlun, WU Dafang, XUE Desheng
    . 2012, 32(1): 98-106.
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    WANG Xiaowei, HE Xiaoqian, GE Dazhuan, GONG Shengsheng
    . 2012, 32(1): 107-112.
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    HAO Zhigang, LI Juan
    . 2011, 31(5): 531-537.
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    TANG Yong, QIN Jianxiong, DENG Guiping, ZHONG Jie
    . 2011, 31(3): 334-338.
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    ZHOU Jie, SHI Qi, YU Kefu
    . 2011, 31(2): 223-229.
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    YU Jitao, CHEN Zishen
    . 2011, 31(1): 107-112.
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    GAO Chengda, YANG Keren, ZHANG Chao, GAO Chengde
    . 2011, 31(1): 113-118.
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    . 2001, 21(4): 364-368,373.
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    . 2001, 21(4): 369-373.
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    . 2001, 21(4): 374-377.
    城市的形成和发展是一个历史过程,如何评判城市是一个深刻的哲学命题.从熵定律角度来研究城市发展,可以帮助我们建立一种新的城市发展观.城市发展是一个不可逆过程 ,城市作为一个开放的系统,只要能够从外部环境得到足够的负熵流以抵消内部的熵增,城市将形成耗散结构系统并朝着进化的方向发展.未来的城市应进入低熵社会,主要途径是: 建立生态城市,走可持续发展的道路;建立数字城市,实现城市社会信息化;控制城市人口 ,合理发展城市规模.
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    . 2001, 21(3): 270-275.
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    . 2001, 21(3): 276-281.
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    KUANG Yao-qiu, QIAO Yu-lou
    . 2000, 20(4): 326-330.
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    WANG Ping
    . 2000, 20(1): 58-61.
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    YANG Ying
    . 2000, 20(1): 62-66.
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    ZHU Zhao-yu, ZENG Zhao-xuan
    . 1999, 19(3): 275-281.
    简略回顾了华南热带亚热带古环境和现代环境研究在90年代所取得的主要成果, 其主要表现在如下一些方面:红土与全球变化研究, 海岸带沉积与海平面变化研究, 海洋沉积与环境变迁研究,构造-火山-地貌与海陆环境变迁研究, 现代环境与应用第四纪研究, 等等.文中对进一步开展华南古全球变化和现代全球变化研究提出了若干设想.
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    LUO Xiaoling, ZHANG Jinbiao, Wang Huiying, Tu Yuexian
    . 1998, 18(4): 378-384.
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    LIU Huiping
    . 1998, 18(3): 279-285.
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    YAN Lijiao,YANG Weikang,LIN Guojun,DONG Ping
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(5): 621-627.
    In recent years, global warming has been widely accepted as reality. Forest ecosystem, as the most important terrestrial ecosystem for humans, is affected deeply by the global warming. Therefore, it has attracted many attentions of researchers and policy makers to make clear the influence of global warming on the forest ecosystem and to forecast the development of forest ecosystem. In this paper, the influence of global warming on forest ecosystem was reviewed and discussed from five aspects: soil carbon cycle, plant biotemperature, species distribution, biodiversity and forest productivity. At last, prospects were also provided. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive recognition of global warming on forest ecosystem for researchers and policy makers.
  • review
    GAO Qingyan,PAN Yujun,ZHU Haiyan,DU Ying,GUO Yingze,DU Qing,HAN Xingfen,XIAO Xiang
    TROPICAL GEOGRAPHY. 2013, 33(5): 628-635.
    The word Paradigm, which was raised by Kuhn in the 1970s based on the philosophy of science,is accepted gradually by academic cicles. According to Kuhn’s ideas and study programs the scholars of different disciplines have developed different paradigms for their own disciplines. Those paradigms were independent but also relative. Geography has it’s own paradigm specially. The modern geography in China is affected by the ideas and methods of that in the world. Therefore, it is necessary to understand systematically the history of the paradigm of Chinese geography in the 20th century. In this article, the history and logic are unified to research the meaning and significance of paradigm of Geography and their cognition in China. The results are as follows: the modern geography of China has experienced the changes from inherited regional paradigm to spatial paradigm. The “sensible paradigm” and “potential paradigm” have always coexisted through the development of modern geography of China since the early 20th century. The paradigm used in modern human geography of China is mostly the sensible paradigm while that in physical geography mostly the potential one. All the geography paradigms in China follow the rule of the geographical space thought. In future the paradigms would develop toward the models of quantification, technicalization of GIS, sociality and culture, and their patterns, procedures, mechanism and simulation toward the fourth scientific paradigm.